
Simple Tips To Improve Web Design Work

Whenever you want to improve website design it is important to think about various different factors. You can do many things but what counts at the end of the day is being aware of what your visitors want. The tips that are presented below are going to help you to do exactly what you want.

Create A Plan

For starters, you need to be sure that the site meets visitor needs. A solid, well-thought plan is necessary. You want to put together a plan and interview customers that you have at the moment for some insights. For instance, Pickerings Auto did talk with shop clients in order to see what is needed from the site and those implementations were instantly made. Necessary changes were made and results improved thanks to the plan that is created.

Many Unnecessary Elements

This is actually a common mistake. In an attempt to offer as much information as possible, we see many websites that have a lot of unnecessary elements added. Numerous parts of the average site have no real message or value. Some examples include unnecessarily long articles, highly complex animations and way too many images. All of these are bad for the experience of the visitor when there is no purpose behind them.

Nowadays, site visitors have shorter attention spans. A person usually spends around 8 seconds on a site before leaving. Staying only happens when the site is appealing. Adding unnecessary elements reduces visitor attention.

Add Social Share Buttons

Social share buttons became so common than they can be seen as norm these days. They have a really important purpose: they allow a reader to share content on social networks. Always add such buttons to any website created. When you do, you can instantly increase traffic if the content is shareable.

The ideal placement for the share buttons is at the top and the bottom of a blog post.

Adding Call To Actions

The call to action, commonly referred to as CTA, is something that is mandatory for a site that has the purpose of convincing a visitor to do something specific, like signing up for a website or buying a product. Every single blog post needs a call to action button.


Images are really useful on a website since they make content appealing while conveying the appropriate message. It is possible to choose from various images. However, you cannot choose any image. Just use those that are relevant and high quality. Photos can be obtained from quality stock photo sites. They do cost money but they are usually a lot better.

Site Navigation

Last but not least, your website is only as good as its navigation. This is huge since it highlights the most important parts of a site. Visitors do not want to land on sites with bad navigation interfaces. The site that you design has to offer the information that is needed by the visitors in just seconds. Also, a really good search has to be installed so that visitors can get access to exactly what is needed.

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