
10 Best Tips How to Learn Web Design

Learning how to design websites is starting to become an important course of study in this day and age. The necessity of websites is increasing every day as companies are going digital and even individuals are starting to blog and create websites for earnings.

If you learn how to design websites, you will not need to hire third parties to create your company website whenever the need arises. For this reason, you should invest in learning how to design websites as it is an increasingly valuable skill. So, here is a guide on how to learn web design:

Read all the material you can find

For you to succeed in this field of study, you need to have a love for reading. You can buy books or download them for free if they are open source.

Start with simple books and online articles to understand the fundamentals of web design and slowly progress. You can even opt for the “for dummies” book series and read them to understand the full scope of website design.

Use free online material

There is a lot of free online material you can look into ranging from the software you can download to start practicing to online communities.

Associate yourselves with social media groups that offer nuggets of wisdom that will help you in your journey of learning how to design websites. The free online material will prepare you for more advanced courses you may want to take in the future.

Practice on online resources

Practicing on offline downloaded software is not the same as using online applications that run your code. This is because you do not get feedback on where you went wrong, so you are flying blind.

You can use free online resources like Codecademy and Free Code Camp that runs your code real-time and gives you feedback as you continue your journey to learn how to web design.

Learn how to decorate your pages

An important step to designing a website is making it look beautiful and appealing. This is the reason why you need to learn advanced coding languages like CSS and JavaScript to decorate your websites.

Also, learn how to add images and embed videos on your websites as part of decorating it using simple HTML code before you branch out to more languages.

Learn from good examples

Look at your favorite professional website and take note of their design, navigation, etc. See how you can incorporate the ideas they have used on their website on your project and use them to see if you can do it. If not, you may need to go back to the drawing board and research how you can do it.

Take a web design class

You may find if it is hard to learn web design on your own so you may find it beneficial to take a website design class. It is up to you if you opt for an online class on online platforms like Udemy or if you choose to go to a real class.

If you are a college or university student and learning web design on the side, you need to choose an online writing service to save time. Custom essay by Edubirdie and other writing work like dissertation, thesis and research papers will help you a lot. More time means more productivity and enhanced learning.

10 Best Tips How to Learn Web Design 1

Use Google to your advantage

There is nothing that you can’t find on Google and YouTube, which is why you need to use these online tools to your advantage. It is shocking to know that even computer scientists that went to university often visit Google to get points on how to learn web design for free.

Look into the User Interface

The user interface is the face of your website, so it is important to carefully select the UI packages you choose for icons and themes.

Choose light UI that won’t take forever to load and then experiment with it and design your first website according to your desires. Select the icons by comparing them side by side to see the ones that suit your style and purpose for that website.

Gain experience

Start building your experience by constantly practicing and taking on any website design tasks that come your way. For example, if you work at a company that has a website design team, offer to help them at no charge. Alternatively, if your friends need websites, design them pro-bono to kick-start your web design career.

Ask for other people’s opinions

Ask for the opinions of others regarding the quality of your work and ask for honest feedback. Specifically, request that they point out the flaws or weak points where you can improve and work on those points. You may ask a professional or a simple person to test your website and ask them where you can improve.


These tips are a basic guide on how to start learning how to design websites and continue improving your art. As there is some material available for free that is open source, it is advisable to look at it first before investing your money. This will be a great way to check out if web design is the career for you. In this field, the advice of practice makes perfect can’t be stressed enough. You need to constantly practice to get it perfect.

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