
10 Crucial Elements Every Online Service Homepage Should Have

The way you present your business is crucial in communicating with your customers and building up your reputation. Without a good business presentation, you will not be able to communicate your ideas with your customers, which will have a negative influence on your business results.

Your homepage is the place where you place all the vital information, and it is also the first page a customer sees, and from this reason, you need to make your homepage impactful. Read this article to discover ten crucial elements every online service homepage should have.

A Call to Action (CTA)

A call-to-action (abbreviated as CTA) is an image or a text that prompts your online visitors to take action. The action you want people to take will depend on your business goals. A CTA can be placed anywhere on your website, blog page, online service or landing page. A CTA can be integrated into a headline on your website or blog.

In some instances, it can be placed in an email or at the end of a blog post.

Here is one example from EvoEssay of what a CTA can look like:

10 Crucial Elements Every Online Service Homepage Should Have 1

Your homepage should definitively have a CTA. Here are some tips to remember when creating your CTA.

  • Make it easy to notice.
  • Use bright, eye-catching colors.
  • Include an offer that will encourage people to click.

When people navigate to your homepage, you will want them to trust you. Client testimonials are one of the best ways to build trust with your customers. Happy customers recommending your services is your most effective way to boost your credibility.

The List of Services

This is the most important part of any homepage. It is crucial for your business that your potential customers know what you are offering and what can they expect from your services. The list of your services should be placed on the top of your homepage. Provide a short summary of your services. Consider to include a drop-down menu so that your visitors can check all the information they need.


10 Crucial Elements Every Online Service Homepage Should Have 2

About Us/Contact Us

Another essential part of your homepage is your "About Us" page. Not only does it tell your visitors who you are and what is your vision, but it is also where you build your business identity. Employ your creativity and make your "About Us'" page unique. Make it feel personal and talk directly to your customers.

If you want to receive feedback from your visitors, also include "Contact Us" page. Encourage feedback by telling your visitors how important their opinion is to you. Make it easy for customers to leave a feedback and make sure you define a precise response time.

A Logo

Having a logo is extremely important to your business. Building a successful brand is simply impossible without a good logo.

An eye-catching logo in advertisements and promotions is what drives customer action.

Of course, it is not always easy to create a good logo, so here are some tips to have in mind when creating your own:

  • Keep it simple and effective.
  • Be original.
  • Make it relevant to your business niche.
  • Pay attention to color.
Payment Options

You will want to make payment as easy as possible for your customers, and this is essential for increasing conversions and sales.

This is why your checkout page is one of the most vital parts of your homepage. This is where your customers will hand over their credit card information and perform payments.

Be sure to add the following to your checkout page:

  • Provide several payment options.
  • Make payments possible for customers who do not have an account.
  • Ask for vital information only.
  • Guarantee customer security and privacy.

Check the following example of the part of homepage:

10 Crucial Elements Every Online Service Homepage Should Have 3

Social Media Buttons

Social media play the key role in promoting your content online. It is very important that you include social media buttons on your homepage.

There are a number of options to consider when adding social media buttons. Do you want to make your content shareable or you like to promote your business presence by creating "follow" buttons?

Regardless of your business strategy, make sure that social media buttons are placed on a visible place on your homepage so that your visitors can easily access them.


Pricing information is very important for maintaining your business credibility. You need to make sure that all prices are clearly and accurately presented on your homepage.

Offer discounts and special offers. Consider offering a free trial period so that your customers can check your services. This way you build trust, and today's business, trust is more important than ever.

Language Options

There are numerous benefits of having a multilingual homepage for your business. Not only you have the chance to reach a brand new audience, but you also build trust and get an advantage over your competitors.

If you have a multilingual homepage, you should make sure that it is easy for customers to switch between languages.


10 Crucial Elements Every Online Service Homepage Should Have 4

Terms of Use

For an online business, terms and conditions, or terms of use, are a must. They are an electronic contract that is legally binding between you and your customers.

Terms of use provide customers with specific terms they must comply with in order to use your services. Most websites and homepages include a "Terms of Use" page. Having terms of use page ensures that:

  • Your website/homepage use is properly regulated.
  • Your intellectual property is legally protected.
  • Compliance with privacy laws.

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