
How To Design A Successful CTA?

One of the top marketing strategies that will bring you leads and sales is a Call to Action (CTA), but only if you apply it accordingly. The CTA is meant to inspire your website visitors to take action. Generally, the call to action is the most critical part of your entire marketing campaign. Here is where you will either lose a potential customer or make a sale.

But what is a CTA and how does it affect your marketing campaign? Plus, how can you design a good CTA that will convert your leads to sales? We will be exploring that in this article.

So, what is a Call to Action?

A CTA is a specific word, phrase, or sentence that is used to encourage the leader to take a particular action. Typically, it calls the reader to take action.

When you have an excellent call to action, you can be sure of persuading the visitors on your website or those that read your emails to do something. The action that you convince them to take could be to grab a download, buy a product or service, share a piece of content on social media, or read the rest of an article.

In most cases, the CTA will entail a text that’s placed on a button. However, it could also be a simple link that has an appropriate anchor text.

What Makes a Good CTA? How Do You Design One?

An effective CTA will be strongly associated with the content on the page as well as the motivation of people for taking action on that specific content. What can be said is that a good call to action must deliver a clear message about what the potential customer will benefit from taking action. For example, you can find a CTA that asks people to sign up so that they do not miss out on the blog updates. Here, the reader will know that they will be getting blog updates when they sign up.

So, how should you design your CTA for it to be successful? Here are the major areas you’ll need to focus on;

  • The Visuals/Buttons
  • The first thing you need to keep in mind here is the visuals of your CTA. The buttons on your CTA must look like buttons. These buttons must be as clickable as possible as soon as the potential customer lays eyes on them.

    The methods of designing will depend on the theme and style of your website. Nevertheless, a good CTA button should be rectangular, elongates, and round corners. Most recently, customers prefer clicking on buttons with a flat design.

    Furthermore, CTAs must be easily noticeable. Your CTA must be very noticeable on your page for them to convert the leads into sales. One way to make them noticeable is by using a good color blend. Ideally, a contrasting color against the background (of your site) will definitely draw attention to your CTA button.

    The topography color within the text should also be considered if you want to grab the visitors’ attention. All in all, the site background, button background, and button text must be in sync to boost the button’s effectiveness on the website.

    A good example of a website with effective CTA buttons is https://www.thetop10sites.com/.

  • The Wording
  • Okay, it is good to have a presentable button. Besides, the visuals and presentations are what will attract the attention of the visitor. But what really matters is what the visitor sees on that button. What have you included on the button or link? Here is where the wording comes in.

    The wording in and around the button is a great asset that will help convert those leads into sales. It is what people read that will make them proceed to the website you are promoting.

    When handling your wordings, you need to express your value proposition clearly. Typically, you need to give the visitor a reason to click the CTA button. Once they click, what will they get in return? Everyone wants something for an action they take. In this case, make sure you describe the ‘reward’ for clicking the button clearly with your words.

    If you are asking for their email address, ensure that you give them a prior disclaimer stating that you will be emailing them. This way, it will not be like a surprise to them once they start receiving emails from you. Suppose you try to trick them into giving you an email address so that you can send them email marketing stuff, you will be spammed just like other companies have been spammed by the target audience.

  • The Placement
  • Once you have designed your button to look attractive enough and you have the right wording to include there, you need to decide where you will place the button or clickable CTA link. There are a few places to put the CTA. Let’s explore them;

    a. At the start of a web page. The CTA at the top of your web page can attract the attention of the visitors before they start reading your content. However, this can decrease the click rate by 17% because your content needs to build up to the CTA.

    b. After a blog post. You can place the CTA at the end of every blog post after visitors have read all the way to the end.

    c. In the sidebar. This is a popular place for CTA. The CTA can include an opt-in form for a free email course.

    d. On a welcome gate. Another place to put the CTA is on the first screen that invites people to the website.

    e. Where you will include the social share. Rather than placing the share buttons, you can include your CTA at this section.

    f. In the middle of the content. A mid-post content is also a good approach to the CTA campaign.

Plus, you can include it in your emails, when people are about to leave the website, or at the end of the lead magnet.

All in all, ensure that you try every positive approach to improve your CATs. Don’t forget to be good with the design aspects so that you attract the attention of the visitors first.

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