
How to Grow Your Travel Site in 3 Easy Steps

There are thousands of travel sites around and there are millions of travellers around the world. So if you are thinking - why is it even worth it to have a travel site? Think again, because as the world continues to get more connected and interconnected, travel will not only become more popular but also more affordable.

Statistics show that 1.4 billion people travelled in 2018 and that number increased by over 6% from the year prior. So travelling will only get more popular. The question becomes - how do you grow your travel site to be profitable?

In this post, we outline 3 easy steps that you can use to grow your travel site.

1. Local SEO Services is a Must

Search Engine Optimization is an absolute necessity. It’s how you rank high on Google so that searchers are able to find you. And if you are a travel business it is especially important that you rank well for the regions, areas, or towns where you offer your services.

Here are 5 things you should optimize to before you reach out to a local SEO services company and if after you try them you are still not seeing results, then definitely check out some local agencies and see how they could help:

  • Optimize your keywords - make sure that you include all of the relevant keywords on each page of your site, each URL, each page title, etc.
  • Re-write all of your meta descriptions - this is what your searchers see before they click on your site, so make sure that it’s good!
  • Make sure to include a lot of links to your other pages, inside of your content
  • Create profiles on relevant travel sites and get backlinks from them
  • Look up your competitors’ backlinks on Ahrefs or Semrush to further your own backlink strategy

2. Invest Heavily in your Blog

Blogging is one of the most powerful ways to grow your site. When you publish posts regularly you can start ranking for a lot more keywords, get more traffic, and build trust with your audience.

Most site visitors take several sessions over a considerable time to purchase your product or service so it’s important to build trust and build yourself into an expert in your niche. Once you build that trust and a social following you will start generating leads on autopilot and will be able to grow your business considerably.

3. Encourage Your Customers to Leave Reviews

Social proof is the most powerful tool in your toolbox. You should encourage all of your customers to leave reviews for your business and build your business model around that. Ask yourself this: what’s stopping me from getting a bunch of 5-star reviews right now? And then jot down some ideas and implement them.


Growing a travel site is not rocket science. You don’t have to re-invent the wheel in order to stand out in your niche. Simply follow our proven steps to get started and you will see your business flourish, slowly but surely.

Author Bio: Rachael is a content writer at Pearl Lemon Leads who has written on a diversity of topics, from colored diamonds to SEO software. In her spare time, she enjoys singing, sketching, cooking, and video games.

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