
How To Make Your Sales Site Look Inviting: 5 Suggestions

Are you struggling to come up with a great design that will wow your visitors? Don’t know where to start?

It can be difficult figuring out a design that is appealing to both you and your customers, especially if you have no knowledge of how to do so. But at the same time, finding that perfect design is quite enjoyable.

Below are five suggestions that can help you figure out how to make your site look inviting, boost your sales, and improve your business!

sales site
1. Look Into the Specifics

This may seem like a no-brainer, but studying the basics and specifics is key to finding that perfect design.

For instance, studying color theory and even psychology will help you develop a site that is inviting and easy to navigate. Psychology will help you figure out what processes in the mind quickly, big blocks of text or text with a lot of space between them, making it easier to read about your products.

Researching topics like these will equip you with the knowledge needed to start making a great design for a website. Looking into e-commerce development will also help you do so!

2. Make Your Products Obvious

It is recommended to make your products obvious, so it is easier for your visitors to navigate the website and buy the things that intrigue them.

Whether you do this by having your items in columns, rows, or even in list form, it’s best to stay organized no matter how you make your products clear.

If you don’t, your customers might get frustrated about not being able to find what they want.

3. Scan for Errors

Another tip to make your website look inviting is to check if there are any errors when you publish your website. Even coding errors will mess up the design that you made.

You can do this by looking at errors in your code or just experimenting with your design to see if it works!

The worst thing that could happen is that your customers will struggle to navigate through your website during a big sales day and not be able to buy anything because there is something wrong.

4. Test It Out

A big part of scanning for errors is to test out your website as if you were a customer yourself. It’s also easier to come across errors when you experience them yourself instead of looking through pages of code for who knows how long.

If you have time, you can look at the website by yourself. Think as if you were a customer and navigate through the page as if you were trying to find and buy something. This way, it’s more likely to come across errors that your customer would if they were trying to buy something.

Moreover, if you don’t have time, you can hire people to test your website for you – these people are called testers. It helps to hire these testers because not everyone navigates websites the same way; with this method, you're more likely to find more errors.

This is important if you want to keep your website excellent and inviting.

5. Look at Websites That You Like

You can also get inspired by other websites that sell well or simply appeal to you!

You don't want to fully copy their design for copyright reasons, but you can see what their designs are like, so you can work on yours!

Final Thoughts

Website design can seem intimidating, but all it takes is inspiration and practice! Hopefully, with the tips in this article, you will be proud of the site you created.

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