
How To Maximise Your Call To Action To Increase Conversion

Your users have seen your page, your products or services and everything in between. So, what now? Yes, content creation is only the start. You need to convince users to "Buy Now," "Click Here" or "Download" for them to convert.

All you need is a compelling call to action (CTA). A CTA is one of the most vital elements in web design for any e-commerce website as it is the final interaction point before your users convert. Simply put, a CTA is like convincing your users to do something. But it is much more than just "doing" something.

First of all, a CTA provides a way to measure your site's success, direction for site visitors or users and focus on your web page. Now, the question remains—How do you encourage your users to click, buy, download or register? What is an effective CTA? How do you make one? The following lists ways on optimising your CTA for an increased conversion rate.

Recognise the need

Before the site visitor clicks the CTA button, you have to be aware first of the need—why do they need to click? Why do they need this product/service? Before asking people to respond, first identify the problem. Then, present to them that your product/service solves the problem followed by the benefits of responding to your CTA.

Clear CTA

Don’t be in a rush to make a compelling CTA, or you will lose track of its clarity. Make it a point or be obvious what your product does. Also, your CTA must also trigger the user's emotional reaction. Give them the idea that they "must have" your product.

Give a sense of urgency

A clear CTA must be accompanied with a sense of urgency. Visitors/users must feel or think, "I must have this now". Because a timeline in your CTA adds importance, encourage users to respond within the deadline.

Also, by informing them that there's only a limited supply of your particular product or you are offering limited-time discounts or how fast the products are selling out will further nudge them to act and respond to your CTA. Understanding how psychology works with you buyers will help determine which CTA is compelling in making conversions.

Provide incentives

People love nothing more than incentives. Motivate your visitors to respond to your CTA. Your incentives could range from a gift to a special discount. By providing something of value to the users is the best way for them to feel more than willing to click that button.

CTA on every page

Your visitors might leave your home page and view the other pages of your site, so make sure that your CTA is still within sight. Place a CTA on every page. Your call to action could be in different forms but all lead to the same goal—your visitor or user will respond and click the button. A lot of these things are not simple to achieve without experience so be careful when hiring a firm for web design London.

Provide social proof

There is a high chance that people will respond to your CTA if they know that others have responded. Social proofs could be "See why 8 out of 10 moms use [product]" or "Join the growing 6,000 subscribers".

A customised CTA

Since you already know your audience, you can make a customised CTA that better reaches your target audience. Better yet, provide different calls to action in the different sales cycle so your visitors will not get burned out for having to look at the same CTA over and over.

Think about the CTA's position

What is the right position of your CTA in the web design for maximum results? Rule of thumb is placing it high on the page, in the central column. But there are other factors to consider. If there are faces on your page, then users might be distracted, unless the faces are looking right at the CTA.

Another thing to consider when positioning your CTA is when. When is the right time to ask your user to respond? The answer is when your users are ready. You can't ask them to subscribe to an email list when they just landed on your page. Give them time to browse through before asking them to respond.

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