
Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

In this tutorial, I will show you the steps I took to Design a simple Cookie-Bite Text Effect in Photoshop. We will be practising some basic techniques such as the use of quick selection tool, layer masks and layer blending options.

This is a beginner level tutorial and the steps are easy to follow, have a try!

Note: The Photoshop tutorial is done in CS6 - therefore some screenshot may have slighting different layout as in the earlier version.

Here is a preview of the final effect I have for this tutorial: (click to enlarge)

cookie text flatten 500x177 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 1

Create a new document sized 1100px *440px with white background, grab the Gradient Fill tool and set the option to "Radial Gradient", with the following colours:

1 gradient 500x423 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Fill the background layer as shown below with the above gradient:

1 paint cloud1 500x168 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Create a new layer on the top and use a soft white brush to paint one single dot to the top edge of the canvas:

1 paint light 500x222 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Compress it down with the free transform tool:

1 compress 500x209 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

and you will have the following effect so far:

1 effect2 500x189 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 2

We will now type some text onto the canvas, I chose the "Thick Chocolate" font which comes with Photoshop:

2 type1 500x158 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Selection this text layer with a selection tool:

2 load sel 500x170 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Then move the selection over to the cookie stock image:

2 sel1 500x217 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Copy and paste the selection over to our document, and hide the original text layer:

2 paste1 500x191 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

We can now go back to the cookie image again, use the quick selection tool (set tip size to 6px), make several small selections as shown below:

2 quick selection 500x335 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Add a layer mask to the cookie texture layer, then move those selections over to our cookie texture layer:

2 move 500x182 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Click on the layer mask thumbnail on the layer palette to select it, then go to "Edit > Clear":

2 clear 500x317 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Repeat this step a few times and you will create a bitten effect for the cookie, as shown below:

2 effect1 500x189 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 3

We will now add some layer blending effect to this texture layer to add some depth"

Bevel and Emboss

3 bevel and emboss 500x359 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop


3 stroke 500x359 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

and you will have the following effect:

3 effect2 500x336 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

We can also add some small cookie pieces around the text by using our previous quick selection on the cookie image.

One thing you will find is that when you do a copy and paste, you will see the pieces are somehow linked by some unwanted lines, as shown below:

3 before Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

You can use the refine edge tool (Ctrl + Alt + R) to fix this, so let's apply the following settings:

3 refine edge Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

And you will have the following effect afterwards:

3 after Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Add those small pieces around the text area:

3 pieces 500x316 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

and here is the overall effect so far:

3 effect 2 500x196 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Step 4

We're almost done :) For some final touches, I flatten the image and duplicate the background layer, apply some Oil Painting filter effect (CS6 Only) to the duplicate layer and set the layer blending mode to "Soft Light":

4 oil paint Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Add some milk splash effect to the text by selecting the milk texture of this milk stock image:

4 select 500x675 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

Copy and paste the selection over onto our document, and set layer blending mode to "Lighten":

4 lighten 500x313 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

and you will have the following final image: (click to enlarge)

cookie text flatten 500x177 Create an Interesting Cookie Bite Text Effect in Photoshop

That's it for this tutorial! Hope you enjoy it and find it useful! Till next time, have a great day!

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