
Tips and techniques to make sure an e-commerce website works flawlessly

The e-commerce industry has become one of the most competitive industries out there. Here, the speed of the website ad its performance play an enormous role. Today, it is not enough to only have an appealing offer. You have to put in a lot more effort if you want to stand out from the competition. You have to have a delicately planned and developed marketing strategy. But that is not all. You have to wrap it up into a visually appealing and useful tactic.

This is crucial as it takes visitors seconds to decide whether they want to stay on your page or not. If they are content with the service and design you’re offering, they will spread the word out, giving you more positive reviews.

The main goal of a website is to assess the brand, to help it grow, and to make your customers happier with your service.

A clear, well-defined goal of a fast eCommerce website

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For starters, the main key to a successful website is a clearly defined goal. This goal is to serve your brand as a guide to keep your potential customers satisfied. The website that you’re creating has to make sure that you are a brand that gives the right information at the right time. That is why it is important to pay attention to every detail and element there is.

Choose the platform wisely

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When you are building a website it is important to choose the right e-commerce platform. Depending on the type of your brand, choose a platform that will fit the most. If you have a boutique store and you want to create an e-commerce website, make sure to choose a website builder that offers simple features.

Understand your customer

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When you’re creating a website, it is important to track and understand user behavior. You have to tailor the website to appeal to the targeted audience. You also want the users to generate data that you will able to analyze later.

Another thing you should cover is using a WordPress maps plugin to show where your physical stores are placed. Online has taken off, sure, but there are still a lot of people who want to go to your physical store. This doesn’t have to be a treasure hunt. Make it easy for them to find your stores.

Keep Things Fast

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There has been a lot of research that has shown that the page speed load has a massive impact on the users. If a website leads fast, this will more likely make users like your website and stay for a longer period. On the other hand, if the website load is slow, this will only result in you deterring the potential customers away.

There are many tools you can use to track the speed load. Many services often come with a free analytics insight on your speed score.

Analyze data and make decisions for site optimization

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You can use Google Analytics and other tools to track the software. You will find out the reason why a lot of your customers have changed their minds about your site and have even gone to your competitor’s site. You can use A/B testing to see which method appeals the most to clients.

Stick to simplicity

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A good e-commerce store is simple to use and navigate. You don’t have to make the design dramatic for it to be eye-captivating. Less is more. Try keeping your website as minimal as possible. This will make the right content stand out. The simple background will only highlight the most important elements on your site. You don’t want unnecessary things to distract the user from making an action.

Use clear product titles

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When you’re giving titles to the products, make sure they are simple, specific, and straight to the point. If there is a product that you’re selling, and it has a specific part number, make sure to include that number in the description.

Improve Categorization

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You should also pay attention to the organization. Make sure the store is organized in a way that is easy to navigate back and forth. You want your customers to flow with ease.

Stop using carousels and sliders

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The biggest mistake many people make when wanting to drive conversions is by adding carousels and sliders. Carousels are quite bad at converting. Not only that but they also bring down the page load. If you remove the carousel from your website, you will see an increase in conversions. What you can do best is to add a hero image. You can also add a CTA button to accompany the hero image. It will load faster and will spike up your traffic.

Make the cart easily accessible

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If you have an e-commerce shop, make sure you make the cart icon somewhere where it is instantly noticeable. People don’t want to spend hours looking just to tap that image. Make sure it is placed somewhere where it is prominent on the page.

Keep animations smooth

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Although animations improve the overall user experience of the visitor, if they are not done right, they can be detrimental to your success. It will only distract and confuse them.

Add convenient navigation, filtering, and search

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Online shopping is so much more convenient than a regular one. You want to make sure that the online journey the user experience is comfortable and flows smoothly. You don’t want to rush the visitor to the website. Not only that but, you want and you have to incorporate many elements into one to make the website as smooth as possible.

Advanced search

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A lot of tech-savvy customers looking for advanced search. Make sure you enable them smooth and easy navigation throughout the website. Ultimately, you want your products to be easy to find. If your store is bigger than average, you might need to include some auto-fill and filtered search to ease down the process of finding products.


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When you’re creating a website, your top priority is to create personalized content for your users. You want to make each feel as if the website is made specifically for them. You can achieve this by analyzing the data they give you.

Cache Often

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Another excellent way to improve your website's performance is by caching. When a visitor arrives at your website the cached version will be served up unless it has changed since the last cache. This saves server time and makes things altogether faster.

Revise Third-Party Extensions and the checkout process

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Although many plug-ins and extensions are excellent for improving the overall functionality of the website they often come with a downside. A lot of the time they come with a buggy code or in a poor-quality package that will do more harm than good. They even slow down the website’s page load. If you notice similar problems, try to revise the extensions and plug-ins that you have set up.

Cloud-based Website Monitoring

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You can see that there are enormous advantages to use a cloud-based host to monitor your website. This will enable you to take your mind of the unnecessary things. You will be able to keep track and focus on your business’s growth.

Enable easy checkout

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When you’re designing an e-commerce store, make sure to pay a lot of attention to the checkout. They can either improve or ruin your site. If you do have a multi-step checkout process, displaying checkout progress with visual clues can inform shoppers on how many steps remain to accomplish the entire process.

Overall, designing an online store can be frustrating. There are many things you should keep in mind that are crucial for success. If you have read this article, you will have an easier time pinpointing the most important elements of a good website.

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