
Why Your Website Needs Photos and Images

You’ve spent time and energy building the perfect website for your company. The site is working smoothly, pages are loading fast and without any problems, and it’s very user-friendly. So, what about photos? If you haven’t included photos and images on each page, you may want to re-consider your layout. Here’s a look at why your website needs photos.

Increase the Amount of Views

When it comes to websites, one of the most important stats is the amount of views it gets. Businesses are constantly trying to increase their views and boost interest in their site. Images can do exactly that. According to one study, images can in fact double the amount of views your site is receiving. That's a pretty powerful statistic that shouldn't be overlooked.

Help Your Google Ranking

Your Google ranking is another factor that plays into the success of your website. The goal is always to rank as high as possible with Google, and images can certainly help you achieve that. As long as you are sure to label your images with search-friendly metadata, you'll find it will help boost your ranking.

Use a Combination of Images

It's a good idea to use a combination of generic and product/service based images. Generic ones can add interest to the page and can relate to the content you are discussing in a blog or post. Meanwhile pictures of the products and services you are offering will help those items to come to life and help you to sell them.

If you think of a website that sells footwear for example, there’s no way customers are going to make a purchase without seeing a photo of the shoes. Ideally if you’re selling products online you’ll want to include a few pictures of each item, taken from different angles.

Your Competition is Likely Using Them

Another reason to start using images on your website is the simple reason that your competition is likely doing it. In order to be competitive, you need to not only offer images but offer ones that are better, more engaging, and more relevant.

Where to Get Generic and Stock Photos?

Chances are you aren’t a professional photographer which means you are likely wondering where you can get all these great and intriguing photos for your website. Burst offers more than 1,000 free website stock photography options for you to use. Go ahead and browse through the various categories and find images that match your content perfectly.

Enjoy the Return Images Bring

By adding photos on each of your pages you’ll be sure to increase your traffic, boost interest in your website, and really start to see the kind of returns you were after when you first built your site. Just with written content, it’s also a good idea to update your images on a regular basis to help keep things current and interesting to your visitors. Don’t be afraid to play around and get creative with the images, just make sure it’s relevant to the page.

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