
Five Tips To Help Promote Your Blog

More and more people every day are setting up a blog; some for fun, others with the aim of making a lot of money out of it. Whatever happens with it, though, the aim is always to attract viewers and traction that will make it worthwhile. Anything on the internet needs clicks to be a success, but clicks don’t happen overnight and they don’t happen without promotion. So if you are wondering how to promote your blog, here is a list of five ways to get yours out there.

1. Use social media

The most important thing to remember is how crucial social media is in the online world generally. Twitter, Facebook and Instagram each have millions of users, and with the right use of hashtags and tagging, this can gain a lot of interest in your blog posts. Don’t miss out on this opportunity whatever you do.

2. Incorporate videos into posts

Just like Twitter, YouTube is one of the biggest corporations on the internet. You should definitely look to add videos into as many of your blog posts as possible. If you have a YouTube channel and gain subscribers on it, it can add yet another route to more clicks, which as mentioned is the most important thing for any blog, professional or personal, to be a success. The addition of these posts should be incorporated via strong web design principles to help maximize their effectiveness.

3. Guest Posts

Get famous people or bloggers with big followings to post o guest blog on your website. At the very least, get them to share a blog post from your website because if you strike up a relationship with them, you can benefit from their audience. Networking is absolutely crucial to the growth of any company, website or product. You can always share there’s, too, or even commenting on others and recommending your own work to start with.

4. Use Keywords

Crucially, you shouldn’t let all your hard work go to waste. You’ll spend hours writing, publishing and producing your content, and you’ll want it to go as far as it can. For this to happen, you need to use keywords; that means words embedded in your work that will be searched for on google. This completely depends on the topic of your blog posts, so think about which words you most associate with your particular content and attempt to make them prominent in your writing. This is also crucial for search engine optimisation; it is important to get to the point of the article in the headline. That will not only entice people to click on your articles, but will boost their position when searched on engines like Google and Bing. If you get Google onside, you stand a great chance of success.

5. Become reliable

If you’re aiming to inform, make sure your content is accurate. If you’re aiming to entertaining, make sure you keep the reader’s attention. The first thing to do when looking to build a wide audience is command a core; loyal people who will read and share. Start small, start organic and everything will not only grow quicker but more naturally.

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