
How Can You Get Effective Testimonials for Your Website?

There is no doubt about it, relevant and genuine client testimonials are an excellent means of garnering attention for your brand or organisation. It's a great idea to have a testimonials section on your website, as long as you make sure you can collect testimonials to place on it. Do not forget that testimonials only work really well if they are genuine.

This means that you should always try and use the language the client has originally used. You should also try and provide some sort of verification process, such as providing the social media tag for the person providing the testimonial, or perhaps photographs. If someone is reading a testimonial on your website they need to be able to recognise it as genuine. So how do you go about getting testimonials from clients in the first place?

Making sure you ask at the right time

One of the most important considerations, when it comes to asking for a testimonial, is knowing when you should do it. It's important that you ask when the experience is still fresh in the client's mind. You want them to be able to remember exactly what it was that was so good about the product or service they received from you. You may want to think about taking advantage of a thank you for instance. If someone has sent you an email expressing pleasure in the service you provided then you can simply respond thanking them for their comments and asking if they would mind being quoted on your testimonial page.

Setting up feedback forms

If you are looking at your web design you may want to think about including a feedback form. Many people are more comfortable being asked for feedback than they are being asked for a testimonial. If you ask specific questions such as, "how did you benefit from the service provided?" you can use the response to create a testimonial. Do not forget to make sure you get permission for responses to be used in this way.

Using Facebook feedback

If you have a business page on Facebook then there is a review facility provided. This is an excellent means of collecting testimonials from satisfied clients. Again, you need to make sure that the person is aware you are using their feedback on your testimonial page.

Knowing when you have been mentioned elsewhere

Not everyone will contact you to tell you what they think of your product or service. Many people have their own online blogs where they write about their experiences. People may also review your business on another website. For this reason it's a good idea to have a Google alert set up so you know when your brand or organisation is mentioned.

Hopefully, you now have a better idea of how to get some excellent testimonials to use on your website. It may take a little extra effort from you but the results should make it worth your while.

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