
More materials by author Blake Edwards - Page 3

Trendy Personal Portfolio Logo
in Web Layout
Trendy Personal Portfolio Logo

1. create a new canvas and choose a primary colour. I chose blur.
2. use your pen tool to draw a cresent shape with some waves on the inside.
3. Now duplicate the shape, flip horizontally, and then position symetically.
4. Add some text and a slogan: ...

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Pure Photoshop 3D Render
in Photo Editing
Pure Photoshop 3D Render

1. Create a new document and cut/paste your favourite girl into the canvas:
2. Duplicate the layer, add a filter>blur>gausian blur: somewhere between 1-
3. and then set the layer mode to overlay, and then press Ctrl+e
3. Now duplicate this layer, add a filter>distort>shear:...

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