
More materials by author vecpix.com - Page 3

Modeling the hand
in 3D Tutorials
Modeling the hand

This will cover modeling the hand, starting with a polyCylander.
Create a 12 sided cylander and rotate 90 dgrees on Z axis. Select three faces and extrude them. Flatten and move them as shown in the .gif below until you have a cool design...

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Introduction to MEL Scripting
in 3D Tutorials
Introduction to MEL Scripting

This introduction to the Maya Embeded Language (MEL) introduces some simple MEL commands as well as the basic programming concepts of variables and loops. Variables are abstract signifiers that can be used to represent numbers, words (strings), decimals or just about anything else...

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Making MEL Procedures
in 3D Tutorials
Making MEL Procedures

This tutorial covers the basics of making your own MEL procedures, MEL procedures allow you to define your own language in MEL, creating your own commands instead of using the built in commands like 'move', 'rotate' and 'polyCube'...

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Introduction to Maya Expressions
in 3D Tutorials
Introduction to Maya Expressions

Once you figure out the basics of expressions in Maya, you'll find yourself using them all the time, avoiding manual keyframing as much as possible. In order to explain the basic idea of using expressions, this tutorial will show how to create a very simple animation...

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Animating a flying baloon
in 3D Tutorials
Animating a flying baloon

This tutorial was written as a response to an email asking how one could go about animating a baloon flying in the air - complete with attached string. I believe the quickest way to create a realistic motion would be to use soft body dynamics, which is the method described here...

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Creating a missile trail
in 3D Tutorials
Creating a missile trail

This Tutrial will Teach you how to create a Missile Trail using Maya, u will expirience The volumetric Cloud Shader, it's surface shading options, and other qualities of the volumetric cloud shader, I Think that thou I use maya 3.0 it's wont affect maya 2.x users...

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Creating Complex Shapes
in CorelDraw
Creating Complex Shapes

This tutorial will show you how to create complex shapes in Corel DRAW! I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows. Some things may be done differently with other versions...

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Drop Shadows in COREL DRAW
in CorelDraw
Drop Shadows in COREL DRAW

This tutorial will show you how to create drop shadows in Corel DRAW! I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows. Some things may be done differently with other versions...

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Contoured Text
in CorelDraw
Contoured Text

This tutorial will show you how to create Contoured Text in Corel DRAW! I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows. Some things may be done differently with other versions...

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Create a page curl effect
in CorelDraw
Create a page curl effect

This tutorial will demonstrate how you can create a page curl effect. Many people have written asking how this is done and I'll be demonstrating the technique with all of the programs I write tutorials for. I used Corel DRAW! 7.0 for Windows for this technique...

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