
Web design showcase

Here you can find a totality of the most creative and professional web sites, impressing by their styles, forms, colors and original design.
Inga Sempe
Inga Sempe

Inventive funny homey stylish site and works. Pleasant and handy navigation.

Christian Kragh
Christian Kragh

A nice grunge design. The whole site is made as one page; it's easy to get around the site with the help of scrolling and anchors.

Martin Garrocho
Martin Garrocho

Perfect mixture of collage, animation and appropriate music. Furthermore, it's very easy to use.


A small and cute website with personal portfolio. High art style works.

1st December
1st December

Very unusual personal portfolio website. It has similar to windows navigation.

Tik Ho \'s Portfolio
Tik Ho \'s Portfolio

Interesting fantasy style site. Enjoy eye-filling collection of fantasy drawings.

Tobias Deml
Tobias Deml

Tobias Deml's personal home page and portfolio is made as an artist's den :) Indeed, an artist's site (or flat) should look something like this.


Peculiarity of this site is its exclusive script to represent portfolio elements. The portfolio itself is excellent.

Dark Haven Studios
Dark Haven Studios

This designer's website was built in Flash. The graphics are excellent as well as the photos. Movements in navigation and soundtrack is really good.

Ion Drimba Filho
Ion Drimba Filho

This is a graphics extravaganza. Lots of energy and movement in the graphics and Flash elements, the designer has unified it into a great visual experience.

Vizdal Euweb
Vizdal Euweb

This website is very unique in it's graphics. Interesting colors, excellent layout, simple navigation - all working together in a well conceived design.


This Flash design is a poetic journey from reality to a web experience that keeps the visitor entralled in the website - like a child in a fairy tale.

Cesar Caldas
Cesar Caldas

This is an artist's portfolio website conceived in Flash. The neutral colors are balanced by great contrasts and movements in navigation to give this website a lot of energy.


This Flash design showcases the excellent portfolio of a graphics designer. The illustrations are superb and flow well throughout navigation.


This Flash website is loaded with artwork. This designer has focused on a mixture of nature photography with drawn art into a rather original motif.

Liu Shuquan
Liu Shuquan

This Flash designed webpage has beautiful graphics and layout. The sound effects are also very good. The navigation is not well conceived - not intutitive, and in the portfolio it's almost impossible to use.

Photo Portfolio
Photo Portfolio

This Flash masterpiece is the kind of webpage that everyone enjoys. Gorgeous graphics and photos, soundtrack that anyone would enjoy. Navigation is interesting too.


This designer's website is loaded with graphic interest. The layout is superb, the colors impacting, the Flash navigation is fun and interesting, the photos excellent.

Make it Perfect
Make it Perfect

This is a superbly designed Flash webpage with a great soundtrack. The graphics are clean and elegant, navigational movements are quick and interesting. There is pleanty of room for photos and additional pics.


This graphic designer's website makes good use of Flash. The layout and graphics are fantastic. The method designed for navigation through the portfolio is interesting too.

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