
Web design showcase

Here you can find a totality of the most creative and professional web sites, impressing by their styles, forms, colors and original design.
Colour Design
Colour Design

The bright colors and animated graphics really make this template a step above the rest. These guys definitely know what they are doing.

Unitri Digital
Unitri Digital

Bright but not gaudy, the site offers a wide array of neat animation effects, rewarding for the eye.


In the intro, you get a promise to see something worthy at the end of the road. What you'll get is a kaleidoscope-style highly animated portfolio of dramatically colorful graphics.


Enjoy touring mountains and forests without leaving your computer. The amazing vector graphics bring valley flowers right there on your desktop.


Offering all sorts of design, the site gives off the impression of extreme sophistication and up-to-dateness.


The site stands out with its complex stylish vector graphics and lush colors. Enjoy the beauty of feminine creation.

Digitally Inspired
Digitally Inspired

A truly facetious, playful site, from the music to the images to the color palette. Hope you like purple and curious eyes.

Globos Festival
Globos Festival

A testimony to vector graphics, the site is done in an unusual color palette considering its theme. Inflate your spirits together with these balloons.


Enjoy the simple peace and transparency of the site, clear colors and refined flash effects.


A great example of using simple flash effects to achieve a joyful and playful feeling. The characters from the portfolio are also cute rewards for visitors.

Artin Kiassati
Artin Kiassati

Dont even try to maximize this window! Its perfect as it is - with a narrow grass green streak of info, so simple and complete.

Rock Band
Rock Band

Trendy colors, cute little flash effects, and lively music - a very invigorating template, perfect for a very young and joyful rock band.

Emi Music
Emi Music

This trendy music portal presents a well-crafted combination of vector and rastor graphics.

Design Park
Design Park

You're not going to understand much from this Russina web site, but you don't have to understand the text to get your mood lifted up high by the cheerful colors and the creative desing solutions demosntrated here.


Another creation of Artemij Lebedev. Layout is very unusual, but all main elements are skilfully emphasized.


Unusual graphics team up with a winning layout to good effect for this Latin American web design studio. Site features a hot Flash powered portfolio.

Alejandro Bleda
Alejandro Bleda

Reviewed this week by Web Design Library CEO Max Lensky. Declared outstanding for its music.


Not for sufferers of vertigo. Photos flipped by an unseen hand draw attention to each project with dizzying speed.

Juniors Giants
Juniors Giants

Validated as HTML 4.0 transitional, this site also features Flash animation.

Agua Luca
Agua Luca

Vodka is man's best friend, some say. Certainly, this website is vodka's best friend, all would agree.

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