
4 Graphic Design Tips Beginners Need to Master the Craft

Graphic design is one of the most attractive skills you can have in the digital age. It doesn't require several years of schooling, and as long as you have a creative mind, you can land lucrative deals and well-paying jobs while working from your apartment. To make it big in the game, however, you have to be well-equipped with information and master the fundamentals of graphic design. For those who are just getting started, here are four helpful tips graphic designers need to master the craft.

1. Choose Fonts Wisely

Graphic design is largely about capturing the immediate attention of your audience. Remember, it is a major tool used in branding and marketing, which is why entrepreneurs need pro designers when crafting logos for their businesses. For your design to work, you need to select the right fonts from top to bottom. Instead of restricting yourself to just one font type, it is smarter to experiment with several font styles before selecting the right fit. Once you get a unique font style for the project you are currently working on, stick to it until completion, varying it just a bit where necessary.

2. Select Consistent Images

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is not any different in the world of graphic design. In this context, quality images portray professionalism; if they are creatively selected to drive the intended message home, you don’t even have to use a lot of text in your design project. However, images in your project should be meaningful and consistent all through in terms of quality, proportions, style, lighting, and framing. The same case applies to other visual elements like pictograms, illustrations, and diagrams.

3. Understand Basic Design Tools

As a beginner in graphic design, you probably won’t have a lot of software and tools to help you produce great designs, or you may not know which tools to use for tasks like sketching, editing photos, inserting icons, and creating themes. Having a resource kit for graphic designers will give you an edge when getting started in this creative space. From Adobe Photoshop to tools like Creative Cloud, Google Fonts, Crello, and Freepik, the internet is your friend when in need of graphic design tools. Just do a little research, and be willing to spend some money for premium design tools and software.

4. Grab Attention Using Colors

Finally, you need to understand the importance of color in graphic design projects. How you use and combine colors in your design can make or break your project. This is because colors are effective in engaging people’s emotions, making them an essential element when creating brand identity, or designing a logo. It is important to understand the various types of color combos so you know what to choose for each project to best communicate your message. To grab your audience's attention, the chosen colors need to have just the right hue, saturation, and value. For the best impact, use colors that will best grab the viewer’s attention the first time they look at the end design.

At the end of your design project, you need to capture the viewer’s interest. If it is cohesive, clear, and captivating, your design should spark their curiosity and interest. All this will come from using the right colors, fonts, images, and illustrations where appropriate.

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