
6 Tips to Optimize WordPress Website for Voice Search

"Hey Siri, what's the best way to optimize my website for voice search?" This question might seem like a casual inquiry, but actually, it's quickly becoming the norm in how we seek information online. Did you know that a staggering number of people are now turning to their voice-activated devices for answers? From shouting out a question while cooking to quietly murmuring a request into a phone during a meeting, verbal search is here, and it's reshaping the search engine optimization landscape.

If you've ever found yourself wondering how to optimize website for voice search, you're not alone. Ultimately, voice search optimization of your WordPress website is about providing seamless user experiences (UX) and ensuring that your content can speak up and stand out among the other ones.

In this guide, we’re diving deep into the best tips to optimize website for voice search. So, buckle up, and let's give your WordPress site the voice it deserves!

1. Write content in a conversational tone

Ever caught yourself talking to your phone as if it were a friend? It turns out, so has almost everyone else. That's the whole thing about voice search–it's conversational, it's friendly, and it's incredibly human. So, if your website sounds like a stiff, formal textbook, you might not be invited to the conversation.

But how do you write as if you're having a chat over coffee rather than presenting at a conference? First, loosen up the tie of your vocabulary. Use contractions. Say "you're" instead of "you are" and "it's" instead of "it is."

Next, imagine the questions people would ask out loud. Nobody says "What is the weather forecast for today?" to their voice assistant. They're more likely to ask, "Hey, what's the weather like today?" Mimic this in your website content. Start with the question your reader might voice out and then flow into your answer as smoothly as a conversation with an old friend.

Also, don't shy away from using tools designed to catch the rhythm of natural speech. There are plugins and platforms that can analyze your content's readability and even suggest changes to make it more conversational. Use them, but remember, when people use voice search technology, they're looking for concise answers. So be direct. Be concise. And above all, be human.

2. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly

A staggering 90% of voice searches happen on mobile devices. People are asking their mobile phones for advice on everything from quantum physics to the best spaghetti recipe. So if your WordPress site isn't cozying up to mobile device users, you might as well be invisible in the voice search world.

To make your website mobile-friendly, choose a responsive WordPress theme. This way it’ll look great on any device, whether a giant screen or a tiny smartphone.

mobile-friendly website


Your site’s navigation should be as smooth and straightforward as swiping right on your favorite dating app. Go for finger-friendly buttons and a clear, easy-to-follow layout.

Don't forget to test your site's mobile readiness. Tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test can give you the thumbs up or point out what needs fixing. A simple test for mobile searches is like a health check-up for your site and is just as important.

3. Optimize your website's loading speed

Ever waited for a website to load while your life flashed before your eyes? Nobody's got time for that–especially not the on-the-go voice search users. People want direct answers, and they want them fast. This is where the load time of your WordPress site becomes more crucial than ever.

Think about it. When you ask your Google Assistant a question, you expect an almost instant response, right?

So, how do you put your website on a speed-training program? Optimize heavy images without losing quality. There are plugins, like Smush and TinyPNG, that can do this.

Next up, leverage caching. It's like your browser's short-term memory. By temporarily storing bits of your site, it can serve up your content much quicker the next time someone drops by for a visit.

Also, minimize your use of heavy themes and plugins. Sure, they can add fancy features to your site, but they can also drag it down. And let's not forget about a good hosting service. The difference between a bargain-bin host and a quality host can be noticed.

4. Implement schema markup

Schema markup might sound too technical, but it's actually your secret ingredient in the recipe to optimize website for voice search.

Imagine schema markup as your site's personal translator for search engines. It's a code that helps Google and other relevant search engines understand the context of your content. Think of it like name tags at a high school reunion–without them, you might not remember that John was the quarterback and Mary was the valedictorian. Schema helps search engines recognize the important details about your content–and that's gold for voice search.

Why? When someone asks their virtual assistant for something specific, the assistant wants to deliver the most accurate snippet of info it can find. Schema markup can signal to the assistant that your content is exactly what the searcher is looking for.

So, how do you get this magic code onto your WordPress site? Thankfully, you don't need to be a coder. There are plugins out there, like Schema Pro or Structured Content, that can do the heavy lifting for you. Just choose the right schema types for your content, fill in the blanks, and voilà. You're speaking Google's language.

But it's not just about making Google happy. Let's say you're a tech company using enterprise generative AI to revolutionize customer service. With the right schema markup, a CEO doing a voice search for cutting-edge artificial intelligence solutions could land on your case study that showcases your impressive results. That's making the schema work for you.

5. Optimize for local search

Ever found yourself asking your phone where the nearest coffee shop is? That's local search in action, and it's a huge slice of the voice search pie. If your WordPress site isn't optimized for these local voice search queries, you're missing out on a whole crowd of potential visitors right in your neighborhood.

Local SEO optimization is like tailoring your website's suit to fit perfectly in your local community. You want to be the answer when someone says, “Okay, Google, find a vintage record store near me.” How do you do that? Start by ensuring your business is listed on Google Business Profile. It's the equivalent of putting your name in the local phone book, except it's online and way more powerful.

Make sure your business's name, contact details, and hours of operation are consistent across all platforms. It's like keeping your story straight. If you don't, voice search engines might not trust your site enough to recommend it.

Pay special attention to adding local and relevant keywords throughout your content. Don't just say "record store"–say "record store in [Your City]."



Craft blog posts about local events, landmarks, or news. Become a part of the local conversation, both online and off.

If you're crafting digital marketing strategies for restaurants, local search optimization can also be your secret ingredient. When someone asks Siri for the "best pizza place in town," you want to be the top recommendation, right?

Finally, gather customer reviews. Encourage happy customers to leave their thoughts on your Google Business Profile listing. Positive reviews are like word-of-mouth marketing for voice search–they can seriously boost your local search cred. Plus your potential customers will also appreciate reading them.

6. Strive to get into featured snippets

Ever notice how, sometimes, when you ask a question on Google, it pulls up a precise little box of info at the top of the search results with the answer? That's a featured snippet, and in the world of voice search, it's the golden ticket.

featured snippets

Landing in that coveted spot means you're the first answer to a searcher's question–no scrolling required. So, how do you get your WordPress site content into that prime real estate? Let's break it down.

First off, featured snippets are all about answering questions. Think about the common questions your target audience might ask related to your niche.

Use tools like Answer The Public to research these voice queries and then write quality content that answers questions in an NLP-friendly manner, i.e., directly and succinctly. You want to be that friend who always has the relevant answers, not the one who beats around the bush.

Structure your content with those voice search answers in mind. Use headings, bullet points, and numbered lists. Google loves to pull these out for featured snippets. It's like setting the table for dinner; make it look inviting, and guests are more likely to sit down and eat–or, in this case, click.

Make your content top-notch. It's got to be so good that when Google's algorithm stumbles upon it, it thinks, "Wow, this is exactly what our users are looking for!" Aim high, you want your content to be the best answer out there.

The last tip is to optimize your on-page SEO with these questions and answers. Use them in your title tags, meta descriptions, and alt text for images.

In closing

We've reached the end of our guide, and it's clear that to optimize website for voice search, there's a mix of foundational steps and fine-tuning involved. We've laid out how to adjust your WordPress site to better respond to voice searches, from crafting conversational language content to embedding schema markup for clearer communication with search engines.

Voice search SEO is ever-dynamic, and staying relevant means continuous improvement and vigilance. Implementing these SEO techniques is not enough thus you need to stay committed and make regular updates and adapt to new trends as they emerge.

Your website should be an ongoing conversation with your audience, addressing their needs and questions proactively. Follow these tips to ensure your site is well-equipped to respond effectively to voice searches and consistently deliver the right answers.

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