
More materials by author Havenfx.com - Page 3

Stunning Steel Text
in Text Effects
Stunning Steel Text

1. Make a new image with a resolution of 72 dpi. The size should be big enough to fit your text.<br/> 2. Select the gradient tool (Alt + Click on the paintbucket tool). Click the "Edit Gradient" box in the options bar and make sure the silver gradient is selected...

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Electric Text
in Text Effects
Electric Text

In this tutorial, you will learn how to encapse your text in electricity to give it a nice flowing look throughout the entire length and width of the word.
1. First, you need to pull up a new 72 dpi image in RGB mode. Make it as big as you would like, you can crop it down later on...

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Fire Text
in Text Effects
Fire Text

Ever want to set your text on fire? Do it here fast and easy. Step-by-step instructions proceed...
1. Make a new image that is big enough to fit your text and fill it with black.
2. Select the Type Tool and type in your text. Make it big, betwen 30 and 50 pt...

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Plastic Button Design
in Web Layout
Plastic Button Design

Stuck on some ideas for your interface? Looking for a nice, subtle background for your navigation buttons that is both eye candy and subtle to other parts of your layout? Well, look no further, because now you can learn how to create a nice plastic-like background to those buttons...

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Inset Lines
in Web Layout
Inset Lines

Ever want to chisel a line onto your interface instead of making it look like it doesn't belong there? Well, you can learn how to createw a chiseled or inset line here. Step-by-step instructions proceed...
1) Open up a new image, maybe 150x30 and fill your new image with a darkish gray...

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in 3D Tutorials

Learn how to make some neat abstract art. Great for buttons. Step-by-step instructions proceed.<br/> 1) Create a sphere, doesn't matter how big or what color.<br/>2) After this, go to the Modifiers Tab.<br/>3) Now, select the Noise option under Parametric Modifiers..

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in Special Effects

Learn how to make some lava to put on your background! Step-by-step instructions proceed... 1) Open up a new image, doesn't matter what size, preferably kind of large. Reset your colors (hit D) and go to Filter>Render>Clouds. Once you have done that, go to Filter>Distort>Wave and a...

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Basic Planet
in 3D Tutorials
Basic Planet

With this tutorial, you will hopefully understand more about the options and tools capable of being used in 3DSM. A basic planetary system incorporates different skills within 3DSM that fcan improve your ability to use this acclaimed program. This is the first page of a 2-page tutorial. Step-by-step...

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