
More materials by author PhoNuts.org - Page 8

Shiny Orange Button
in Drawing Techniques
Shiny Orange Button

1. Create a new document (72*25) and fill the background with #FFFFFF using the paint bucket tool.
2. Select a square size shape of 75*25 pixels with your rectangular marquee tool and fill this shape with any color you like on a new layer using the paint bucket tool so you end up with this in t...

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Soft Glowing Button
in Drawing Techniques
Soft Glowing Button

1. Create a new document (150*150).
2. Fill the background with #FFFFFF using the paint bucket tool and select a square size shape with your rectangular marquee tool (set feather to 3px) and fill this shape with #72849e on a new layer using the paint bucket tool so you end up with this in t...

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