
Photoshop - Page 24

Photoshop is an amazing tool, you can create anything visual with it. In this category you’ll find tons and tons of amazing tutorials that will teach you how to create anything from the smallest elements to whole layouts. Learn to become Photoshop master step by step.

Center Images in Photoshop
in Photoshop Basics
Center Images in Photoshop

1. Create a new 165x165 pixel document and name it aligning-images. Now press D and then fill the document (with Black). Then create a new layer and name it 'circle'. Next, select the elliptical marquee tool , and draw a perfect circle (hold down shift to make it perfect)...

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Instant Metallic Effect
in Photo Editing
Instant Metallic Effect

This photoshop tutorial will show you how you can add instant metallic effect to almost anything using curves. For example, the author used the effect to turn a dull plastic monitor into a chrome-plated version.

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