
Photoshop - Page 26

Photoshop is an amazing tool, you can create anything visual with it. In this category you’ll find tons and tons of amazing tutorials that will teach you how to create anything from the smallest elements to whole layouts. Learn to become Photoshop master step by step.

Center in Photoshop
in Photoshop Basics
Center in Photoshop

1. Create a new document (File > New). Use whatever background you desire, and image size. In my image, I used a 450x250 canvas. <br/>2. Paste the image you want to center in your document, or create a new layer and draw the image.

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Creating a Sparkling Diamond Texture
in Text Effects
Creating a Sparkling Diamond Texture

Make a new layer, 1000x1000 pixels, black background <br/> With the type tool, write whatever you want. I used Arial Black, 120 pixels. Now go to the layers palette and right click on the type layer and rasterize it. <br/> Now CTRL+Click on the newly rasterized layer to bring up the selection...

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