
Web Design Basics - Page 14

Are you new to web design? Learning a new skill can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to start from. We suggest you start learning web design from the basics. In this category you’ll find everything you need to know to begin creating that perfect website.

How Fonts Can Improve Website User Experience?
in Typography
How Fonts Can Improve Website User Experience?

Regarding website user experience, typography is a subtle but crucial element. The look and feel of your website can either help you stand out or send users running for the hills. As a critical part of the visual branding, typeface plays a huge role in helping your visitors connect with your brand.

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Why a Good Resume Is Important for Graphic Design Jobs
in Web Development Jobs
Why a Good Resume Is Important for Graphic Design Jobs

When you apply for any type of specialist job, you need to demonstrate to those doing the interview or going through the applications that you are the best person for the job. If you are keen to get into the graphic design industry, you can boost your chances of getting your foot in the door by creating a great resume.

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Ways To Get More Development Jobs On Instagram
in Web Development Jobs
Ways To Get More Development Jobs On Instagram

There are a lot of great ways to find development jobs on Instagram by using the app to its fullest potential, you can show off your skills and connect with potential employers. If you're looking for a job in development, you're likely to use Instagram as one of your main sources of information and networking.

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How to Use Kinetic Typography to Make Your Website Interactive?
in Typography
How to Use Kinetic Typography to Make Your Website Interactive?

Kinetic typography refers to a form of animation. Here, we make the words go live. I say words, but it can be anything – from a single letter to an entire paragraph. Depends on what you want to achieve through that motion. With that in mind, your moving type must be thoughtful and intentional. You can’t just make your words go jump and boom for the sheer heck of it.

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Steps for Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer
in Web Development Jobs
Steps for Becoming a Full Stack Web Developer

If you want to become a full-stack web developer, you might be surprised how easy it can be once you know what you need to do. All you need is passion, dedication, and perseverance and you will get there in no time. In this article, we are going to see these easy steps you need to employ to become an outstanding web developer.

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