
Web Design Basics - Page 16

Are you new to web design? Learning a new skill can be overwhelming, especially if you do not know where to start from. We suggest you start learning web design from the basics. In this category you’ll find everything you need to know to begin creating that perfect website.

9 Web Design Tips to Decrease the Bounce Rate
in Web Design Principles
9 Web Design Tips to Decrease the Bounce Rate

Within the first few seconds of landing on a website, the user decides if they wish to scroll further or exit from the site. A powerful web design is the one where the user is encouraged to stay on the site and not bounce to some other website instead. To create such a web design, here are a few simple tips that will improve the bounce rate tremendously.

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Magento Web Design Trends in 2020
in Web Design Principles
Magento Web Design Trends in 2020

When building a business it's better to start on the right foot than the wrong. Looking into your online market and conducting research based on your niche and demographic is the best way to maximize profits. Another way to guarantee positive customer impressions is through investing in your site and using software that will give you the most updated customizations and tech that will help you cater to consumer interests like Magento the website development platform

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