
Color Theory - Page 1

Color theory tutorials cover the aesthetics as well as the visual impact of color combinations in web design. Learn to use colors based on their emotional message. Smart use of appropriate colors can make a site not only look professional, but also be easier to navigate and apprehend. Not to mention, color scheme of a site defines the first impression and has a great impact on a leave/stay factor.

Color Psychology in WordPress Design
in Color Theory
Color Psychology in WordPress Design

Color psychology is a fascinating field that delves into different colors' emotional and psychological effects on human behavior. In the context of WordPress design, incorporating color psychology principles can significantly enhance the user experience and drive desired actions. Whether it's encouraging users to make a purchase, subscribe to a newsletter, or simply explore your website further, the strategic use of color can make all the difference.

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How to choose the right colors for your brand
in Web Design Principles
How to choose the right colors for your brand

A strong visual brand identity is a driving force of potential success. Company colors can help you introduce yourself, stand out from the crowd, and become recognizable. You can always hire a designer or marketing specialist to craft a color concept. But you can also check out the best design bundle deals that will help you do this job on your own.

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Colour Trends Which Are Attracting More Subscribers
in Color Theory
Colour Trends Which Are Attracting More Subscribers

The meanings of colours to viewers have been recognized from those 35,000 years old cave paintings to modern signs on traffic posts universal all around the world. Some colours have a predefined connotation, and can hardly escape it like red for warning or love, but there are also the varieties of shades and tones which don't fall under any specific designation and can be used to attract or dissuade people.

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Blow Up Your Website Conversions Using Color
in Color Theory
Blow Up Your Website Conversions Using Color

Human beings make decisions based on their senses all the time, especially when it comes to online purchases. Of those senses, sight is the biggest decision maker for most. For that reason, the colors you choose for your website design can have the most impact on turning your website visitors into customers.

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A Web Designer's Guide To Color
in Web Design Principles
A Web Designer's Guide To Color

Websites are obviously an extremely visual way of communicating with people, and color plays a very large part in that communication process. The guide we've put together here will lead you on a journey of discovery through color, and what it means for your web design efforts. Enjoy!

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10 Free Color Tools
in Color Theory
10 Free Color Tools

Design is all about colors. Seemingly, it's very easy to choose colors that go well together. However, after a while you get stuck and it becomes so difficult to find a color that matches the other colors you have so carefully picked. In such cases color tools are of great help.

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